Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Care
Your Body Is Under A Lot Of Stress. Get Relief.
From back pain to pelvic changes, chiropractic care during and after pregnancy can reduce pain, ease labor, and improve post-birth recovery.
The Benefits of Pre-Natal Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care can offer safe and effective relief for many unique health challenges faced by pregnant women. The American Pregnancy Association recommends chiropractic care during pregnancy for controlling symptoms of nausea; reducing the time of labor and delivery, and the potential for cesarean delivery; relieving back, neck, and joint pain; and maintaining the expectant mother’s overall health and comfort. Studies have shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy can reduce the need for cesarean delivery by about 92%. This same study shows that receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy could reduce labor time by about 25%. We offer pre-natal and post-natal chiropractic care to help you feel better, realign your back, and more.
Post-Partum Chiropractic Treatment
While many expectant mothers focus on pre-natal care for their bodies, it is important to also spend time on yourself post-natally. Pregnancy can wreak havoc on the body. Most women gain 25-35 pounds per pregnancy, which can affect posture and pinch the spine. Delivery can lead to pelvic changes. Overall, pregnancy can create a lot of painful problems that require time to recover from. Chiropractic care after pregnancy helps reduce overall recovery time. Post-Natal care helps with spinal and pelvic realignment and adjustment. Due to the higher levels of the hormone relaxin in the body after pregnancy, you are more prone to spinal and joint instability. Generally, it can take a year for one’s body to fully recover from pregnancy and childbirth. With the right care, this amount of time can be reduced.